Hull List
"Rhino" Hull

              Diligence No.1, 45ft.x 23ft (+ 5ft. aluminum extension)  Launched,April 2005.
Designed and built for quick change from lobster fishing to scallop dragging,and back again,with minimal downtime. Built for Robert Hines of Lower East Pubnico, Nova Scotia 

"Proud Mary" 50ft.x 26ft. Launched, April 2008. Accomodations for 6 crew and a heads with a shower in the cuddy. A fully equipped galley in the wheelhouse. Built for Kevin Amirault of Lower East Pubnico, Nova Scotia.
"William J. X" 40ft.x 16ft.6in. Launched, April 2005. Hydraulic "Hiab" crane mounted midship. Fore and aft side thrusters for manuverability. Light weight and trailerable. Built for United Mussel Farms of P.E.I. 
"Jennie-raetor" 50ft.x 21ft. Launched, April 2010. Built for Real d'Entremont of West Pubnico